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How often should you replace your furnace?

Winter is on a roll and it can get a bit challenging for your furnace to stay put and continue delivering its service effectively and efficiently regardless of how extreme the winter gets.

However, the fall in the temperature and the extreme cold can take a toll on your furnace which can lead to the breaking down of your furnace. 

And when it happens you might be asking yourself so many questions about what to do next and resolve the situation as early as you can and in the best way possible.

You may consider repairing your Furnace since you are aware of the high cost of getting a new unit. 

However, it all depends on the situation and the health of your furnace for you to be able to make the right decision on whether to repair the existing one or get a completely whole new unit. 

So for you to take the right decision, you must know some important things about your furnace and most importantly you must know how often you should replace your furnace. 

Most modern furnaces are expected to run for 18-20 years however furnaces consist of parts and components which may wear out sooner given the fact of the nature of furnaces since they are heating appliances and thus components often undergo extreme conditions. 

It also depends on how well you maintain your furnace. It is a known fact that if you take care of your furnace by inspecting it regularly or on an annual basis of inspection then your furnace will last for more than 20 years.

However, if you fail to perform such actions as inspecting or servicing your furnace then your furnace can break down sooner than expected.

You must also be aware of your furnace and be able to read the signs to know if your furnace needs replacement.

 There are two most common signs which determine whether your furnace needs to be replaced.

  1. Age: Your furnace probably will start to show signs of repairs or servicing after some years of installing it. 

Since Furnaces are heavy working appliances, chances are the component may wear out after some years of usage or owing to a natural cause since your furnace is getting old. 

Regardless of the age, if your furnace starts to show signs of damage and if it is requiring frequent repairs and the cost of repairs is as much as 50% of the price of a new furnace then the right choice for you is to get a new furnace. 

  1. Efficiency 

With time your furnace may start showing signs of inefficiency and cause of high electricity bill. 

Consider replacing a new furnace as it is a probable sign your furnace will require more frequent repairs and will eventually cost you more. 

If you want your Furnace to last long and simultaneously perform effectively and efficiently then Wolcott Heating and Cooling is the answer. 

Regardless of the type of your furnace, Our professionals at furnace installation Beaverton and furnace replacement Portland will make your furnace last long and perform efficiently.

Contact Wolcott Heating & Cooling today to avail yourself of furnace services in Portland and Beaverton, be it furnace replacementfurnace installation or furnace repair, our experts will deliver the best service to you at a much more affordable rate.

To Avail our services visit our website. You can also at (971) 253-7883 to avail our services.

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