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5 Simple Ways to Reduce Sky High Heating Bills

Every year when winter comes around the heating bills inevitably go up. And we know that while everyone wants their home to be a warm oasis in the cold, not everyone can afford those energy bills. This year in particular is seeing especially high heating costs. According to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, heating costs for this winter season are expected to increase by 17%, costs which are at a 10-year high. While we can’t rid you of the increase in heating costs entirely (boy, do we wish we could though!), we do have a few tips to help you bring those sky high costs down to a more manageable level.

1. Put those extra layers on

Ok, so you’ve definitely heard this one before, but hear us out because this is probably the easiest and most effective way to save on your bills. Over the years the average temperature of the American home has risen to a balmy 70 degrees. We know this feels super comfortable BUT we also know that a few degrees cooler with an extra layer on is totally doable and will make your wallet a lot happier. Try out around 65-68 degrees during the day (a good compromise between savings and comfort) and 60 degrees at night when you have those covers to keep you toasty. You might need to add an extra layer, but we both know you really rock that sweater, so what are you waiting for?

2. Don’t heat the house when no one is home

This one might also be a given, but just think about how often you leave your home unoccupied. If you are also leaving your heat up at a high temperature during this time, you are basically doing a great job of spending your hard-earned dollars on keeping your couch comfortable. Instead try turning down the heat before you head to work for the day (but not off, so your pipes don’t freeze!) or install a smart thermostat so it can do the work for you by turning the heat off when you leave and turning it back on 30 minutes before you get home.

3. Reduce the temperature of your hot water heater

For this tip, we first recommend that you check what temperature your water heater is already set to. For many water heaters, this could be 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the temperature many manufacturers set the heaters to, but many households only need them to be at 120ºF. This 20-degree change can save you money by reducing the heat lost from the water heater into surrounding areas. Please do note that according to, this 120ºF temperature results in safe and comfortable showers for most people, but if you have a suppressed immune system or chronic respiratory disease, you may want to keep your hot water tank at 140ºF to guarantee that all bacteria are killed off.

4. Turn up the humidity

If you’re reading this and thinking “extra humidity?! Why would I want that?” Then do we have some information for you! Humid air actually holds on to heat more efficiently than dry air. Just like how extra humidity in the summer leads to some swelteringly high temps causing you to run the A/C unit 24/7, in the winter you actually want to increase the humidity. There is a balance to look out for though! Even in the winter too much humidity can lead to mold growth. So if your home is pretty dry try adding in a humidifier to help with your heating bill and as a bonus reduce some of that annoying static electricity!

5. Get a heat system inspection

There are all kinds of equipment problems that can end up having an impact on your heating bill. Dirty motors, sensors, or burners can result in reduced efficiency in your furnace, and over time can lead to furnace failure. And for heat pump users it’s a whole other list of problems that can lead to needing expensive repairs. The best way to avoid these issues altogether is to have a heating system inspection before you end up in the cold weather relying entirely on your system to keep warm.

Whether it’s an inspection, a repair, or an installation of a new heating system we’re here to help you get through this winter season. Just give us a call.

The post 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Sky High Heating Bills appeared first on Wolcott Services.
