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Why is Your Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air?

Why Is Your Ac Not Blowing Cold Air?

As the summer heat attains its peak, the cooling system at your home or office takes the maximum load. But what if the HVAC system is not functioning properly? The entire house or office ends up feeling like an oven. A broken unit can cause various health issues, especially if the temperature increases. There are a few ways to fix this issue, and it is good to contact a professional for assistance. Having a good understanding of the issue and communicating the findings to your contractor can help prevent it from happening in the first place.

Here are some reasons why your AC is not blowing cold air:

1) Erroneous Thermostat Setting: The control setting for the air conditioner is the first step in turning on and off the unit. Setting the correct temperature will prevent the issue from happening in the first place. Sometimes, the issue can be someone accidentally setting the air conditioner’s switch to “Fan” instead of “Automatic.” When the temperature inside the house goes above the set temperature, the switch automatically switches the unit to adjust the air conditioning. If set to “Fan,” the unit will not cool down the air and continue to blow air through the duct system.

If the issue persists, it is advisable to contact an AC professional. But first, check the batteries and replace them if necessary. Also, make sure that all the wires are in position.

2) A Clogged Or Dirty Air Filter: One of the most common issues people encounter with the functioning of their air conditioning units is dirty or clogged filters. These filters work overtime to trap dust, pollen, and hair, and they can get so full that they can no longer function properly. If this happens, your unit may not be able to provide enough air to your home.

An air conditioning unit’s failure to work properly can cause the inside temperature to rise. It can also cause the components to wear out faster, leading to a bigger problem. Having the proper air filters can help keep the system running smoothly.

Keeping pets indoors might make you change your air filters more frequently. You can also try replacing them yourself, but make sure to consult an AC technician if in doubt.

3) A Clogged Drain Or Vent: When moisture gets into the air, it can clog the drain pipes and hose of your air conditioning unit, which then causes it to stop working. It is a safety feature that can prevent water from backing up into your home and causing damage. You can usually replace the pipes, but you can also try cleaning them with a mild solution.

When air near the vent is restricted, only the specific room may get warm. It could be a sign that the ventilation system in your home or office is not working.

4) Dirty Compressor Unit: An outdoor condenser unit is included in your central air conditioning system. The unit features a large outdoor coil that wraps around the outside of the unit to keep the refrigerant cool. If your air conditioner is still not cooling down properly, it could be a sign that the unit’s condenser coil is blocked.

When the air is pumped into the outdoor unit, the fan draws air through the condenser, which then passes through the cooling coils. Over the years, various debris can build up around the fins and prevent them from working properly. This can lead to higher energy consumption and even cause the system to shut down.

You can try to clean the area by clearing away the debris and using a brush attachment. You can also gently rinse the area using a hose.

5) A Frozen Evaporator Coil: The central air conditioning system’s indoor component is usually composed of an evaporator coil. Evaporator coils remove humidity and heat from the air, which helps circulate more comfortable air back into your home.

If the area around your air compressor is still experiencing issues, such as frost forming on the copper tubing, excessive energy bills, and poor working condition, it’s important that you contact a professional. In most cases, the issue is caused by the frozen evaporator coil. Having professionals in air conditioning installation in Portland take care of it will allow you to avoid experiencing these issues in the future.

6) Refrigerant: Leakage Or Low Level: A vital component of the cooling process is the chemical known as refrigerant. It moves through the system’s outdoor and indoor coils, which then turn into a gaseous form and releases humidity and heat outside.

A serious leak can cause your air conditioning system to not cool down properly, or it can cause a complete system shutdown. Having a properly functioning system can help prevent these issues from happening in the first place. 

What Should You Do?

Contact Wolcott at (971) 253-7883, the HVAC contractor forAC installation in Beaverton or Portland to resolve any problems you may be facing regarding your AC.

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