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Is Your Furnace Flame Sensor Defective?

Having to compromise on your comfort when it’s freezing outdoors is as worse as it could get, or not? What is even atrocious is finding your family at risk of a possible explosion due to your furnaces’ ineffective flame sensor. But what is a furnace flame sensor? A cardinal component of the heat exchanger, the flame sensor, ensures that the gas valve is operating only when the flame is lightning.

The sensor’s incompetence in performing its job can endanger your life. It, thus, makes it imperative for you to know if your flame sensor is appropriately functioning or not. You can be required to call a trusted and satisfactory expert to do the job; a furnace repair in Hillsboro will meet your expectations.

How To Know if Your Furnace Flame Sensor is Incompetent?

The following points will help you decipher if the issue at hand exists or not-

  • Inspecting the Flame Sensor: This is one of the two courses of action you can undertake to get to the root of the intricacy, and thereby, audit your furnace. The step includes the following steps:
  • Turn the Furnace Off: Before digging deep, make sure to deactivate the furnace and shut off its gas valve to avert any gas leak while you examine the furnace.
  • Unfasten the Attachment Bolt: Reach for the flame sensor. If you are unsure of its look, it has the appearance of a white pole with its end bearing a metal point. It is located on the furnace’s bounding assembly’s exterior. Unfasten the screws and keep them in a place within your attention.
  • Pull Back: Withdraw the sensor from its original position and see through it. Check for any impediment. Being a technical matter, call a technician who can make the task easy for you, such as from furnace replacement in Portland.
  • Concrete Indicators: The second approach is identifying virtual signals of default. While this modus operandi seems plain sailing, remember, it’s easier said than done. We mostly ignore these signs because they seem quotidian and frivolous. So, we bring to you this guide to help you recognize a problem when you see one. Here are the signs-
  • Debris: The sensor can accumulate grime and offscourings if it has not been scrutinized for a long time. Inevitably, carbon or oxidation build-up will restrict the flame from functioning without resistance. The soot can be wiped with an emery cloth.

    If you speculate the reason for your furnace’s malfunction to be the filthy flame sensor, use a microamp to assist you by its reading. Also, It can be cleaned with steel wool and checked properly with the tools an expert will possess, contact furnace replacement Hillsboro for best results.

  • Replacing the Flame Sensor: In most cases, the flame sensor has deteriorated to an extent that it’s better to replace the whole part than spend money on getting it repaired persistently. While purchasing a new one, make sure it is compatible with your furnace unit and yes, all are not the same.

    If you are unable to perceive which sensor would be the best fit, furnace replacement portland will be of considerable service to you.

As unchallenging as it might sound to you, the task requires a great eye for the details and expertise to overhaul the machine. This is where we come in, get in contact at (971) 253-7883.

The post Is Your Furnace Flame Sensor Defective? appeared first on Wolcott Services.
