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Wildfires & Your Indoor Air Quality

If AQI has become part of your day-to-day vocabulary, we’re right there with you. During fire season, the air outside can be downright hazardous to your health. But did you know that wildfires can have a serious impact on the air quality inside your home, too?

Yep. You know all of those mysterious spots in your house where you suddenly feel like you should be sporting a winter hat even though the heat’s set to a cozy 73 degrees? Well, just like that pesky cold air, smoke can sneak in through any gaps below doors and cracks around windows — even through your dryer, which probably vents via a direct line to the outside of your house. So, how do you keep the air inside safe to breathe?

First of all, if the air quality outside is poor, keep your windows, doors, and any vents shut. We know that indoor air can become stale quickly without any fresh air flowing through, but remember, at this point, the air outside is anything but fresh.

Next, give us a call because we’d like to introduce you to our buddy HEPA. HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters are designed to remove 99.97 percent of fine particles from the air as it passes through ’em. Wolcott’s heating & cooling pros are really tight with HEPA and we can easily get you hooked up with a high-efficiency air filtration system. Oh you’ve already met? Cool. Thanks for letting us go on and on…

Well, we can also take a look at your current HVAC system and make sure that its filter is up to snuff when it comes to removing smoke from the air. Sometimes, all it takes is a brand new filter. Most smoke particles measure just one micron (or less) in diameter and not all air filters are equipped to remove them, so switching to a high-efficiency filter can make a big difference in your indoor air quality. Other times, an upgraded system is the smartest investment in your family’s health and safety.

Believe it or not, all of this is actually relevant year-round. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: indoor air quality matters. Stay safe out there (and in there), folks.

Still, have questions or want to schedule a service? Give us a call.

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