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What To Do When Your AC Doesn’t Turn On?

It can be a harrowing experience to put up with if the AC does not run. In the sweltering summer days, it can be menacing! Of course, you can call the company for professional intervention. You may also contact an agency offering AC repair in Portland, OR. However, you may check for a few issues before calling in a technician or an AC repair company.

Things to Check When Your AC Does Not Turn On

  • Faulty Thermostat: First of all, you will have to check the thermostat of your AC unit. Make sure that power is reaching the thermostat, and it is set to ‘on’ position. The thermostat must be set to ‘cool’ or ‘auto’ setting. Also ensure the set temperature is a few degrees below exterior temperature.
  • Dirty Air Filter: You need to check the filter of your air conditioner. Every AC model has an air filter inside. This filter gets clogged with dirt and dust. It is natural, and needs cleaning from time to time. Periodically, the air filter in the AC has to be replaced too. If the filter is totally worn out, AC will run, but you will not experience cooling at all.
  • Tripped Circuit Breaker: Your AC may not turn on owing to a tripped circuit breaker too. This can happen when there is wide voltage fluctuation, and the circuit breaker gets tripped to protect the appliance. It has to be turned on again. However, if it keeps tripping every now and then, get it replaced by an electrician.
  • Dirty Evaporator Or Condenser Coils: The air conditioner has condenser and evaporator coils, and these play key roles in cooling the rooms. If these coils get covered by excess amount of dirt and dust, the cooling efficiency will drop. If this goes on, the unit may stop functioning. So, check the condenser coils at the external unit if you can.
  • Coolant Leakage: In an AC, it is the coolant through which the cooling is done. It usually does not get diminished on its own. However, if there is any leakage, the refrigerant will evaporate, and the AC will become nonfunctional. A coolant leak may be hard to spot unless you have the technical acumen and knowledge.
  • Malfunctioning Compressor: If the compressor has developed problems, the AC will not run, or will create a loud sound. If that is the case, a replacement may be the need of the hour.
  • Household Wiring Issue: Check out for household wiring issues before calling in an AC technician or service agency. Find out if the other appliances are also having issues with the power supply, or it is only the AC that is not running properly! You may also look out for unusual humming sound when running high-voltage appliances at home.

Time to Call a Technician or an Agency

If all of these DIY troubleshooting tips do not work, you should contact an AC service agency. However, do not make the mistake of hiring just any agency. You can count on the services of Wolcott Heating & Cooling. It has a huge client base and a solid track record in this sector.

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