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24/7 Emergency Service (971) 253-7883


We all know that allergies pack a punch in the PNW. Here in Portland, we’ve got the good, old “Grass Seed Capital of the World” (Linn County) to our south and persistent precipitation, which tends to create, well, mold. For some of us, it feels like we’re fighting seasonal allergies all year long. The good news is that there are a bunch of things that you can do to reduce your allergen exposure.

First of all, you can limit the time you’re spending outside during peak pollen seasons. Not that any of us really want to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right? If you do venture out, you should wear sunglasses and a hat. Upon returning to your abode, you’ll want to change your clothes, wash your hair and face, and even wipe down Fido.

And then, of course, there are things that we can do for you. Wolcott has more than 40 years of experience with keeping Portland homes nice and cozy, and our heating & cooling pros will happily install an HVAC system for you (or upgrade your existing one). HVAC systems don’t just keep you warm or cool — they actually condition your air, which means that they remove allergens, pollutants, and humidity.

Wolcott’s heating & cooling team also installs, repairs, and maintains advanced air filtration systems, which are enormously beneficial if anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma.

Give us a call today at (971) 253-7883 to see how we can keep those sneezes at bay.

Related: Indoor Air Quality Matters

The post YOUR GUIDE TO PNW ALLERGIES appeared first on Wolcott Services.
