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Tips for Oregon Homeowners To Tackle Summer Weather

Wolcott’s heating & cooling experts can help you live your best life this summer.

It’s scientifically proven that it feels 1,000 degrees hotter inside your home on warm days. Unless, of course, you have a rockin’ heating & cooling system. Air conditioning can offer you way more than relief from heavy summer heat. In fact, A/C has been linked with better sleep, safer homes (no wide-open windows), improved indoor air quality, fewer pests, and more effective moisture management, which could even mean that your home itself is in better shape. Basically, A/C will make your life better. If you’re thinking about installing an A/C system (or upgrading your old one), Wolcott’s HVAC pros can talk you through the highest quality and most energy-efficient options that fit within your budget.

Did you know that even replacing your air filter can also boost your indoor air quality and maximize your HVAC system’s efficiency? That means a freshie will make your home cooler, faster. Wolcott’s famous air conditioning tune-ups include a filter replacement, along with other routine maintenance and inspections. (If we find anything that needs fixing, we can do that, too.)

And, regardless of whether your A/C situation, there are a couple of tricky things that you can do to help squelch the summer swelter. First, ditch incandescent light bulbs. You probably already know that they’re not considered energy-efficient — but do you know just how inefficient they are? Well, evidently, 90 percent of the energy they use is actually zapped by generating unwanted heat! Replace them with LEDs (or compact fluorescent bulbs) and you’ll save dinero and lower your indoor temp.

Next, make sure that your ceiling fans are spinning counterclockwise. This sounds like hogwash, we know, but according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this creates a “wind-chill effect.” Presto chill-o!

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