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We stumbled across our water heater’s list of New Year’s resolutions — and okay, yes, it may have been tucked in its locked diary, deep in its sock drawer, but it lives in OUR HOUSE, darnit! Anyway, let’s say that we “found” this manifesto for the coming year and we thought it was rather admirable. And surprisingly doable (maybe with our help, but we’re cool with that).

  • Spend less time getting ready in the morning.
  • Spend less money on trivial stuff.
  • Be more efficient.
  • Minimize my carbon footprint.
  • Purge unnecessary belongings. Maybe move into a tiny house…
  • Self-care — at least every three months.

Knowing water heaters as we do, we’re betting that yours has a similar list. You know that old saying, “Happy water heater, happy life!” So, call us today to see how we can help. We speak conventional, tankless, and geothermal fluently.

The post A WATER HEATER’S NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS appeared first on Wolcott Services.
